Iculturate To Our Western Values Or Please Do Leave

And the problem with the "migrant" invasion is this:

Child brides being brought to Europe by their often considerably older migrant husbands are to be separated in Denmark, but one high profile Imam is urging the government to accept “that it is a different culture”.

A number of recent cases where marriages of adult men to girls as young as 14 years of age, sanctioned by the Danish state, has become a national scandal. Now, right-wing immigration minister Inger StĂžjberg has vowed the children will be protected in future, with couples where one of the parties is under 18 being separated whether they have already arrived in Denmark or not — although the age of consent in the country is just 15.

Thanks to Breitbart for the courage to report the above.

Now for my take:

Many reprehensible things are a part of their culture. Beheading. Setting people on fire, throwing them off buildings. Then there's mass drownings. Child rape and beating women. Stoning women. Cutting off body parts. And with all this, they think the rest of the world should not only accept it, but welcome them with open arms. a definition of evil. They are all unhinged.

So does this mean we must inculturate to their savage culture?  No, I do believe we either demand they inculturate to our Western values or we toss them out.  Simply that plain and simple.

Now for the rest of the story from Breitbart.


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