Loving Advice To The Duchess Of Sussex Meghan
A hereditary monarch, observed Thomas Paine,
is as absurd a proposition as a hereditary doctor or mathematician. But
try pointing this out when everybody is seemingly moist with excitement
about the cake plans and gown schemes of the constitutional absurdity’s
designated mother-to-be. You don’t seem to be uttering common sense.
You sound like a Scrooge. I suppose this must be the monarchical “magic”
of which we hear so much: By some mystic alchemy, the breeding
imperatives for a dynasty become the stuff of romance, even “fairy
tale.” The usually contemptuous words fairy tale were certainly
coldly accurate about the romance quotient of the last two major royal
couplings, which brought the vapid disco-princesses Diana and Sarah (I
always decline to call her “Fergie”) within range of demolishing the entire
mystique. And, even if the current match
looks a lot more wholesome and genuine, its principal function is still
to restore a patina of glamour that has been all but irretrievably
The British monarchy doesn’t depend entirely on glamour, as the long, long reign of Queen Elizabeth II
continues to demonstrate. Her unflinching dutifulness and reliability
have conferred something beyond charm upon the institution, associating
it with stoicism and a certain integrity. Republicanism is infinitely
more widespread than it was when she was first crowned, but it’s very
rare indeed to hear the Sovereign Lady herself being criticized, and
even most anti-royalists hasten to express themselves admiringly where
she is concerned.
I am not sure how deserved this immunity really is. The queen
took two major decisions quite early in her reign, neither of which was
forced upon her. She refused to allow her younger sister Margaret to
marry the man she loved and had chosen, and she let her authoritarian husband have charge of the education of her eldest son.
The first decision was taken to appease the most conservative leaders
of the Church of England (a church of which she is, absurdly, the head),
who could not approve the marriage of Margaret to a divorced man. The
second was taken for reasons less clear.
The harvest was equally gruesome in both cases: Princess Margaret
later married and divorced a man she did not love and then had years to
waste as the model of the bone-idle, cigarette-holdered, gin-sipping
socialite, surrounded with third-rate gossips and charmers and as
unhappy as the day was long. (She also produced some extra royal
children, for whom something to do had to be found.) Prince Charles,
subjected to a regime of fierce paternal harangues and penitential
cold-shower boarding schools, withdrew into himself, was eventually
talked into a calamitous marriage with someone he didn’t love or
respect, and is now the morose, balding, New Age crank and licensed busybody that we flinch from today. He has also apparently found belated contentment with the former wife of a brother-officer. More flinching is the fact that Dumbo eared Charlie seems to have converted to Islam.
Together, Margaret and Charles set the tone for the dowdy,
feckless, can’t-stay-married shower of titled descendants (perhaps even decadents) with whose
names, let alone doings, it is near-impossible to keep up. There are so
many of them! And things always have to be found for them to do to keep them busy and even more important - quiet.
For the youngest son of the Prince of Wales, Harold (or Harry if you prefer) at least it was decided on the day of his
birth what he should do: serve in the military,
find a presentable wife, father children, and keep the show on the road by remaining in the shadow of future King William his eldest brother.
By yet another exercise of that notorious “magic,” it is now doubly and
triply important that he does the last simple thing right, because only his
supposed charisma together with William's can save the country from what monarchists dread and
republicans ought to hope for: King Charles III. (Monarchy, you see, is a
hereditary disease that can only be cured by fresh outbreaks of
itself.) An even longer life for the present queen is generally hoped
for: failing that a palace maneuver that skips a generation and saves
the British from a man who—like the fruit of the medlar—went rotten before he turned ripe.
Convinced republican that I am, and foe of the prince who
talks to plants and wants to be crowned “head of all faiths” his newly found Islamic, and as well as
the etiolated Church of England, I find myself pierced by a pang of
sympathy. Not much of a life, is it, growing old and stale with no real
job except waiting for the news of Mummy’s death? Some British people
claim actually to “love” their rather dumpy Hanoverian ruling house.
This love takes the macabre form of demanding a regular human sacrifice
whereby unexceptional people are condemned to lead wholly artificial and
strained existences, and then punished or humiliated when they crack
The last few weeks brought tidings of the latest grotesqueries
involving Prince Andrew, Charles’ brother. If I haven’t forgotten
anything, in 1997, Charles had just recovered from tidings involving overwarm relations with the Qaddafi clan when his ex-wife was found to have scrounged a loan from a wealthy American friend
whose record, alas, was disfigured by a conviction for sexual relations
with the underage. The loan would have defrayed part of the unending
wasteful expenditure that is required to keep the Ferguson girl
staggering between scandals and sponsorships. I mean, the whole thing is
just so painfully and absolutely vulgar. And, among the queen’s many children and grandchildren, not by any means exceptional behavior either ….
This is why I laughed so loud when the Old Guard began
snickering about the pedigree of young Ms. Meghan Markle. Her parents, it
appeared, were not quite out of the top drawer. And - gasp - American! And - double gasp - mixed race! The mother had
been a yoga instructor, her father a retired TV lighting director living in Mexico, and the
family had been overheard using lethally wrong expressions, such as serviette for napkin, settee for sofa, and—I can barely bring myself to type the shameful letters—toilet for lavatory. Ah, so that’s what
constitutes vulgarity! People who would never dare risk a public
criticism of the royal family, even in its daytime-soap incarnation,
prefer to take a surreptitious revenge on a young woman of modest
background. For shame.
Myself, I wish her well and also wish I could whisper to her:
If you really love Harry, Duchess Meghan, get him out of there, and yourself, too.
Many of us don’t want or need another sacrificial lamb to water the
dried bones and veins of a dessicated system. Do yourself a favor and
save what you can: Leave royalty business to his brother William, that the
hereditary principle has mandated.
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